Cripple Crab Crutch


a two-disc spoken word mash-up album

by Alan Black


01. EVP

02. Area 51

03. Blade Runner

04. HAL-9000

05. Moon

06. Magnolia

07. David Lynch

08. Steve Zissou

09. What’s He Building?

10. Who’s Afraid?

11. Addicted

12. Hunter

13. Hell

14. Apocalypse Now

15. There Will Be Blood


01. Alan Watts

02. Telephone Preacher

03. Gospel

04. The Spirit

05. Thich Nhat Hanh

06. Protestants

07. Nixon

08. The Conqueror Worm

09. Triumphal

10. Sonnets

11. Jean-Paul

12. Hooligans

13. The Female

14. Submarine Voyage

15. Autumn

download here:

Cripple Crab Crutch

(includes the full album, artwork,

and a list of track components.)

For more information on the track components of Cripple Crab Crutch . . .

click here

A double-disc album of spoken word mashes.

At least thirty tracks.

Source materials ranging from the paranormal, the historical, the literary, the scholarly, the philosophical and religious, film excerpts, strange old recordings, radio shows, comedy, and an old Disneyland attraction.