disc one
01. Earthbound
Biosphere: “Camp 1: Himalayan Nightflight”
Brian Eno: “Lantern Marsh”
Peter Gabriel: “Running to the Rain” The Rabbit-Proof Fence OST
Harold Budd / Brian Eno: “Lost in the Humming Air”
Brian Eno: “Riverside”
Brian Eno: “The Lost Day”
Brian Eno / Harold Budd: “First Light”
Sigur Rós: “Dogun”
Polmo Polpo: “Oarca”
plus sound effects: wind, thunder, rain, various insects, wolves, fire, waters, waves
02. Civilized
Vangelis: “Memories of Green” Blade Runner OST
Porcelain in the Backpack: “Touching the Ground Crossing the Air”
Brian Eno: “Tal Coat”
Shriekback: “3 AM”
Digitalis: “Arab”
Peter Gabriel: “Go Away Mr Evans” The Rabbit-Proof Fence OST
Peter Gabriel: “Moodoo’s Secret” The Rabbit-Proof Fence OST
Sigur Rós: “Ba Ba”
Monolake: “Mass Transit Railway”
John Foxx: “Fog Structures”
plus sound effects: bell tower, swimming, wind chimes,
brass chimes, bells, buzzer
03. Leaving
Vangelis: “Main Title and Prologue” Blade Runner OST
John Murphy: “The Fifth Crew Member” Sunshine OST
Sigur Rós: “Ti Ki”
Vangelis: “Blade Runner Blues” Blade Runner OST
Vangelis: “Main Titles” Blade Runner OST
Monolake: “Bicom”
Kwook!: “Apolloguiltily (Black Spectres Mix)”
Vangelis: “Los Angeles November 2019” Blade Runner OST
Vangelis: “The Prodigal Son Brings Death” Blade Runner OST
Ellende: “Ten years a Second”
Kazumichi Grime: “Drift”
plus sound effects: jet, Dune prologue effect, launch
04. Approach
Biosphere / Namlook: “Gebirge”
Carbon Based Lifeforms: “Refraction”
Biosphere: “Rotation”
Monolake: “Credit”
Flimmer: “It Was Really Nothing”
OCP: “Atmos Two”
Pandemia: “Venus Urania 01”
film clip: 2010: Odyssey Two
Biosphere: “Shade”
Biosphere: “Laika”
Peter Gabriel: “The Rabbit-Proof Fence” The Rabbit-Proof Fence OST
Nine Inch Nails: “Closer (Precursor)”
Idle Sunder: “Digitarian Solstice”
Idle Sunder: “Analyse”
Mathieu Ruhlmann: “Hares Honey Blood”
film clip: 2010: Odyssey Two
M__: “Ilion 03 (none)”
Polmo Polpo: “Complete Breath”
Idle Sunder: “Closing In”
Cisfinitum: “Part 2”
Biosphere: “Thermal Motion”
Biosphere: “Field”
Cisfinitum: “Part 3” / “Part 4” / “Part 5” / “Part 6”
Cisfinitum: “District Delta”
Krzysztof Penderecki: “De Natura Sonoris No. 1”
Cisfinitum: “Landschaft I”
Vangelis: “On the Trail of Nexus 6” Blade Runner OST
Idle Sunder: “Folded Space”
Konntinent: “Nasse”
film clip: 2010: Odyssey Two
Pandemia: “Venus Urania 02”
Idle Sunder: “Orbital Drift”
John Foxx: “Serene Velocity”
Carbon Based Lifeforms: “Flytta Dig”
05. Outside
Brian Eno: “A CLearing”
Brian Eno / Harold Budd: “Above Chiangmai”
Harold Budd: “The White Arcades”
John Foxx: “Avenham Collonade”
Biosphere: “Yard”
Idle Sunder: “Cryoscope”
Con_cetta: “Intentionality Imbrication”
audio clip: Russians
Carbon Based Lifeforms: “Transmission / Intermission”
Lomov: “Dachfenster”
Idle Sunder: “Signal Interference”
film clip: 2010: Odyssey Two
Sascha Neudeck: “Disarray”
Carbon Based Lifeforms: “Comsat”
Lezrod: “Masato”
John Foxx: “Radial Harmonics”
Harold Budd: “The Room”
Juno Reactor: “Luciana”
John Murphy: “From Inside / Minus 273 Degrees Celsius” Sunshine OST
David Lynch: “I. Station”
Biosphere: “Biosphere”
Muhr: “Prefaces”
Muhr: “I Dream of Unfolding the Knots”
John Murphy: “Repairs” Sunshine OST
Biosphere: “Antennaria”
audio clip: Russians
S.E.T.I.: “Journey”
Brian Eno / Harold Budd: “The Plateaux of Mirror”
John Murphy: “Searl See the Sun” Sunshine OST
John Foxx: “Shifting Perspective”
Transcendent Device: “Degree Absolute (part one)”
film clip: 2010: Odyssey Two
track components for
The Ortica
email: alanblack13@mac.com
disc two
06. Findings
SleepResearch_Facility: “A-Deck”
Biosphere: “Microgravity”
Biosphere/Deathprod: “Journey to the Centre of the First 1.1”
Peter Gabriel: “Unlocking the Door” The Rabbit-Proof Fence OST
Phoenelai: “THX.2”
film clip: 2010: Odyssey Two
Biosphere: “Miniature Rock Dwellers”
Con_cetta: “Hexagram”
Con_cetta: “Hornplant”
Biosphere: “Grandiflora”
Biosphere / Deathprod: “Katedra Botaniki”
Gustav Holst / Montreal S.O.: “Neptune, the Mystic”
Pandemia: “Venus Urania 03”
John Murphy: “Mercury” Sunshine OST
David Lynch: “II. Porticos”
Stephen Walter: “Section 1”
Nine Inch Nails: “6 Ghosts I”
Takeshi Nakamura: “Presentiment”
Sigur Rós: “Di Do”
Lezrod: “Hojas”
Lezrod: “Azules”
Sascha Neudeck: “Stringent #3”
Sgnl_fltr: “Quanta 1 (remake)”
Muhr: “The Local Existence and Uniqueness Theorem”
film clip: 2010: Odyssey Two
07. Following
SleepResearch_Facility: “B-Deck”
Brian Eno: “Signals”
Biosphere: “Probe”
Takeshi Nakamura: “Array”
Peter Gabriel: “The Tracker” The Rabbit-Proof Fence OST
Juno Reactor: “Luciana”
Sigur Rós: “Leit ao lifi”
Biosphere: “Fluvialmorphologie”
Biosphere: “Micro Sound - Music for Insects”
Biosphere: “Moistened and Dried”
Idle Sunder: “Data Stream”
Sigur Rós: “Veröld ny og óo”
Idle Sunder: “Bending Space”
Idle Sunder: “Marooned”
Muhr: “Le Dernier”
Idle Sunder: “Paradigm Shift”
Krzysztof Penderecki: “Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima”
Lezrod: “XX”
The Dust Brothers: “Chemical Burn” Fight Club OST
Lezrod: “Arqsoni”
Kazumichi Grime: “100f”
M__: “Ilion 04 (war)”
Krzysztof Penderecki: “The Dream of Jacob”
Pandemia: “Venus Urania 04”
Carbon Based Lifeforms: “Artificial Island”
John Foxx: “Floating Islands”
John Murphy: “What Do You See?” Sunshine OST
Carbon Based Lifeforms: “Epicentre (First Movement)”
Brian Eno: “Alhondiga”
Eluvium: “Area 41”
This Mortal Coil: “Andialu”
David Lynch: “III. Grey”
Biosphere: “Spindrift”
Biosphere: “Mir”
08. Plateau
SleepResearch_Facility: “C-Deck”
Robert Rich: “Hayagriva”
Phoenelai: “Structure One and Visiting Two (2 part)”
Eluvium: “Untitled 2 (For Orchestra)”
Muhr: “The Borromean Fields”
Peter Gabriel: “Crossing the Salt Pan” The Rabbit-Proof Fence OST
Biosphere: “Two Ocean Plateau”
Carbon Based Lifeforms: “World of Sleepers”
Idle Sunder: “Observatory II”
Lezrod: “North Coast”
Brian Eno: “Cavallino”
Darren McClure: “Hillside”
John Foxx: “City As Memory”
Gyorgy Ligeti: “Requiem for Soprano...” 2001: A Space Odyssey OST
Idle Sunder: “Mind of a Supercluster”
Eluvium: “Under the Water It Glowed”
Mathieu Ruhlmann: “Waterglass Anthers”
Eluvium: “Everything to Come”
Idle Sunder: “Folding Light”
Stephen Walter: “Section 2”
Monolake: “Nucleus”
Transcendent Device: “Golden Wound”
Biosphere: “Levende Fangst”
Biosphere / Deathprod: “Twin Decks”
Biosphere / Deathprod: “Warp / Warble”
Sascha Neudeck: “Seitendick #3”
Brian Eno: “Francisco”
Idle Sunder: “Bildlicht”
Sascha Neudeck: “160 mg”
Lezrod: “Digi4”
Lezrod: “Mu”
Sigur Rós: “Sigur Rós”
Polmo Polpo: “High Breathing”
Juno Reactor: “Luciana”
Pandemia: “Venus Urania 05”
Nightech: “As Low As Possible”
John Foxx: “Invisible Architecture”
Muhr: “Le Gouffre en Nous”
Biosphere: “Inverse”
Brian Eno: “Matta”
David Lynch: “IV. History”
Brian Eno: “The Secret Place”
Transcendent Device: “Degree Absolute (part two)”
09. Sphere
SleepResearch_Facility: “D-Deck”
Monolake: “Wasteland”
Biosphere: “Vibratoire”
Transcendent Device: “Infinite Procession”
Biosphere/Deathprod: “Journey to the Centre of the First 1.2”
Letna: “Deliblatska Pescara”
J. S. Bach / Hilliard Ensemble: “Christ lag in Todesbanden #1”
Arvo Pärt: “V. Como cierva sedienta”
Ensemble Sreteniye: “Cherubic Hymn (Georgian chant)”
Arvo Pärt: “IV. Como cierva sedienta”
Ensemble Sreteniye: “Psalm 104 (Valaam chant)”
Letna: “Fruska Gora”
Biosphere: “Microtunneling”
Esther Venrooy: “Micro Insubordination”
Juno Reactor: “Luciana”
John Murphy: “A Star Within a Star” Sunshine OST
Idle Sunder: “Deep Scope Detection”
Sascha Neudeck: “Knochen Kraut”
Polmo Polpo: “Mid Breathing”
Phoenelai: “Structure Two”
Stephen Walter: “Red Shift”
Idle Sunder: “Aether II”
John Foxx: “Infinite in All Directions”
John Murphy: “The Last Message” Sunshine OST
Brian Eno: “2/2”
Mathieu Ruhlmann: “Brumal”
John Murphy: “The Icarus I” Sunshine OST
Phoenelai: “Visiting Three”
Ellende: “Sleepsoup”
Biosphere: “Sphere of No-form”
Vangelis: “Tears in Rain” Blade Runner OST
Brian Eno: “under Stars II”
Robert Rich: “Sunyata (Emptiness)”
David Lynch: “VI. Black”
10. Within
SleepResearch_Facility: “E-Deck”
David Lynch: “VIII. Distortion”
Phoenelai: “Tearing Down the Structures”
Polmo Polpo: “Low Breathing”
Gyorgy Ligeti: “Lux Aeterna” 2001: A Space Odyssey OST
Brian Eno: “Drift”
Mathieu Ruhlmann: “The Body of the Stones”
Mathieu Ruhlmann: “Aymasa”
audio clip: the sun’s heartbeat
I.T.B.A.: “Will”
Robert Rich: “Wheel of Earth”
Shriekback: “Below”
Biosphere: “Modifié”